Otley Boats

  • Otley Boats- Otley BID

Otley Boats

(Image Credit: Visit Otley)

In 2017 it was fantastic to see the boats back on the river after 16 long years, and our congratulations went to Chris Thornton at Aura Jewellery for having a dream and seeing it through to completion – despite having to get through a long logistical nightmare in the process!

Otley BID saw this as a key priority all the way back before our inception in 2014, we knew that bringing the boats back would make Otley an even more attractive place to visit and so supported and helped Chris throughout, as did Leeds City Council, Otley Town Council, Otley’s Councillors and many more. A huge well done to everyone involved in making history again for our fabulous town.

Coverage of the event made national press (the Mirror) as well as regional coverage in the Yorkshire Evening Post, T&A and numerous TV and radio news spots such as Calendar, Look North, Leeds TV, BBC Leeds and Stray FM