Monthly Meet-Up : Thu 1st June

Otley BID Meet-Up June

Monthly Meet-Up : Thu 1st June

Our next meeting is on Thursday 1st June with our Directors, Greg Silverwood and Kathryn Armitage. Meet them at The Rookery Bar & Venue at 5.30pm – 6.30pm.

Join us for a drink and to meet our directors for an informal chat after work. Ask Greg or Kathryn any questions you may have about the BID, our recent AGM, our plans for the next 5 year term, and also listen to our Guest Speaker’s exciting plans.


This month we have the pleasure of 2 Guest Speakers – Richard and Andrew from The Wesley Community Group. They will be talking to us about their bid to purchase Otley Methodist Church buildings on Boroughgate.


The group is made up of local residents who are passionate about retaining the Church buildings for existing community uses (including the Church congregation and the Church’s uniformed groups for young people) as well as developing these to fulfil important gaps in community meeting spaces in the town.


They have created a Crowdfunder with the aim of raising £750k to complete the purchase by the end of Summer.


As well as Otley residents, they are looking to enlist the support of Otley BID, the business community and other business groups in order to make this happen.


We invite you to come along, listen to their plans, ask questions and understand how us as a business community can support them with their vision.


We look forward to seeing you there.


Otley BID Directors