Plea to Remove Planters from Kirkgate

Otley Planters Kirkgate

Plea to Remove Planters from Kirkgate

Otley Business Improvement District (BID) strongly urge Otley Town Council to remove the planters from Kirkgate.


Despite what may have started with good intentions it is clear, to Otley BID and the businesses we represent, that the planters on Kirkgate are having a negative impact on trade. Christmas is fast approaching and this is a critical time for business owners of all sizes. Add into the mix the current economic crisis, more than ever this is when the town should be pulling together to support each other.


Even following our regular requests and lobbying, Otley Town Council are yet to remove the planters and provide this much needed help.


We are making this public plea, that when the planters are removed for the Otley Victorian Fayre they are redeployed elsewhere around town in locations that won’t be a hindrance.


Otley BID Directors