Otley Benchmarking Survey
Throughout October 2020 Otley Town Council, Otley BID and People and Places Insight have been undertaking a Benchmarking Review in Otley Town Centre.
This type of benchmarking has been conducted in over 350 other locations in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Data is gathered on Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to measure town centre performance, and we would particularly like your contribution to two of the KPI’s – Business Confidence and Shoppers Origin:
Business Confidence – by establishing the trading conditions within the town centre, stakeholders can focus their regeneration efforts on building on existing strengths and addressing any issues.
Shopper’s Origin – by understanding where your customers travel from to visit Otley, we can use this information to assist with both general place marketing and more specific events and initiatives which can help to encourage more of the same types of people into spend in our town.
Once the report is compiled we will share it with you on our website, by email and on our social media platforms.