Otley Courthouse 20th Birthday

Otley Courthouse 20th Birthday

Otley Courthouse 20th Birthday

Please see below letter from the team at Otley Courthouse regarding their upcoming 20th Birthday – Sponsor an Umbrella Campaign!

One of the suggested ways to celebrate our anniversary is to highlight the inclusive nature of the Courthouse.  To do this the Courthouse could work with another organisation which will provide information and training, as well as a very visible way of demonstrating our excitement at achieving 20 years.  It has been suggested that we work with the ADHD Foundation Umbrella Project, who will sell us 25 colourful umbrellas to be put up across part of the courtyard and provide the accompanying education and literature.


Here is a quote from the organisation’s publicity:-


“The Neurodiversity Umbrella Project is a celebration of the ‘Diversity of Minds’ . Neurodiversity is like biodiversity in the universal design. Every individual has a brain as unique as their fingerprint. There is an evolutionary purpose as to why 1 in 5 human beings ‘think differently’. 1 in 10 have dyslexia, 1 in 20 have dyspraxia, 1 in 50 have autism, 1 in 20 have ADHD and 1 in 20 have dyscalculia.”


The cost of the umbrellas is £500, so we are offering members of Otley BID the opportunity to support our birthday celebration by sponsoring an umbrella.  There will be name tags attached to the umbrellas so you can identify which one is yours. Each umbrella will cost £20 – and of course some can be jointly owned by two or more people or by a group or class which meets at the Courthouse.


Please contact volunteer@otleycourthouse.org.uk if you would like to sponsor an umbrella. For further information about the Umbrella Project, which has created umbrella street scenes at many places across the country, please see  www.adhdfoundation.org.uk and the picture with this email.


Many thanks

Otley Courthouse